Good morning! I am starting this post with a beautiful view of the moon I saw the other day. My camera doesn't do the best for taking pictures at a distance as it is just on my phone, but you get the idea.
It was big and beautiful! One of those fall moons that just seems like you could touch it. So I wanted to kind of introduce my little family to every one. I am a little careful about privacy so I will just call us by our nick names so here we go...
This is Lil'Bit, she is the youngest at 10 years old. We call her that because she is very small for her age but has a big attitude. She is very independent and outgoing. She is very capable of doing just about anything, and she loves to help me with just about everything. She is very loving and is great with special needs children. (We have a few of those in our family) She impresses me every day with her ability to figure stuff out and accomplish things for herself.
This is Sis, we call her that because while I have 2 girls, she is the oldest at 18 years, and the quintessential sister. She is the one who always loves and accepts you no matter what, and is always there for you in all seasons of your life. She takes care of Lil'Bit much of the time and is our all around caregiver.
She is "my person". Such a beauty both inside and out.
My only son, Coco. He no longer lives at home, as he is away at college. He is 20 years old.We call him that because when he was a baby, due to the beautiful color of his skin, I called him my little Coco bean. This I shortened as he got older. He also loves fashion icon, Coco Chanel so that was just fortuitous I guess. His strong spirit has kept me going at times, and he has had to be the man in our family more often that he should have as a child. Honest to a fault I can always count on him to give me direction, wise sound advice, and an opinion that doesn't waver. He has been my rock.
Well those are my kids. I am gonna go. I am canning tomatoes today. I will get that ready to post at a later date. I hope this makes you feel like you know me and my family a little better. You will know who these people are when I am talking about them. Have a blessed day!
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