Well I know, I know it is actually Wednesday, but I am happy to say we got to town yesterday to pick up our beef. It was A LOT of beef! In the end it was 670# of beef, and it took this many coolers to get it home...
The brown boxes in the forefront of the picture are the 60 lbs of whole chickens I picked up from Zaycon Fresh. We have all of our beef and pork raised locally. The beef ended up costing us $2.79 a pound raised, cut & wrapped, and in the freezer. You can not buy good grass raised without a bunch of chemicals beef in the grocery store for that. And that price is for all cuts from stew meat to hamburger to T-Bone steak. So while it is a large out of pocket expense at the time, in the long run it is so much cheaper to do it this way. We hope to raise future beef on a friends property so we will have an even lower cost. Also we are looking into taking a pork butchering seminar to do that ourselves also. But back to the menu, here is what my cooking week looks like...
Monday - Tacos, with all the trimmings
Tuesday - I got burgers for the family, and I ate leftovers. We rarely eat out.
Wednesday - Pepper Steak, rice and green beans
Thursday - Fried Chicken, pasta salad, baked beans. My momma's Birthday Dinner
Friday - Stuffed Pork Chops, fried potatoes, peas
Saturday - Homemade Pizza, salad
Sunday - Hobo packets (I will post on this one, a real easy meal my family loves!)
That is it for my week of cooking. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions!
Love your menu!! I've been wanting to make some potato salad.. Crystal